Thermocouple Sensor K
Omega Electric
Spet For Temperature Sensor & Instrumentation.
Hub Kami Untuk Konsultasi & Produk Catalog Kami.
Telp : 021 565-6704 Hp : 0813.9930.2188
Email : [email protected]
Http: / / Omegaelectric.Indonetwork.Net/
We Are Spet Moving In The Field Of Temperature Sensor Since 1989.
All Temperature Sensor We Own Production (Not Reseller) With Best Quality & Accuracy.
Available Different Types & Models / Match Orders.
B (Platinum 30% Rhodium)
R (Platinum 13% Rhodium)
S (Platinum 6% Rhodium)
J (Iron - Constantan)
K (Chromel-Alumel / Ni Cr-Ni Al)
T (Iron - Constantan)
E (Nickel Chromium - Constantan)
N (Nickel Chromium Silicon - Nickel Silicon Magnesium)
Rtd Sensor
Pt 100 Ohm
Pt 50 Ohm
Pt 25 Ohm
Pt 1000 Ohm